Continuum Architects believes that everyone should have access to the most basic needs – and that includes a place to live. We understand there are a range of individuals who may need quality, safe, and affordable housing, including seniors, low-wage and middle-income families, single parents, young professionals entering the workforce, or individuals with disabilities.
The pandemic and its impact on the workforce and education systems brought the importance of affordable housing to the forefront of an already growing crisis. The effect of an uncertain economy impacted families in a range of ways, from furloughs and layoffs, to adapting to work-from-home / home-school, to some losing their homes altogether. Now more than ever, there is a need for more safe, quality, and inclusive housing options.
Inclusive, affordable housing goes beyond the impact of the pandemic. For years, affordable housing has struggled with an image problem – a misconceived stereotype that “affordable” is synonymous with “undesirable”. This social stigma has negative implications for both the community and those who reside there. Because of this, inclusive housing remains an issue despite its importance and relevance.
For 25 years, our designers have worked with developers, community groups, nonprofits, and housing authorities to provide affordable housing options within our local communities. We believe low-income does not mean low quality.
Our understanding of complex funding options allow us to help clients navigate State and Federal Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC), Historic Tax Credits, and HUD financing. We continue to research trends to design and construct affordable housing efficiently and cost-effectively.